Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Introducing: Tabata Tuesday

Tabata training (aka, the Tabata Protocol) is a type of high intensity interval training that follows a specific format:
  • 20 seconds of a very high intensity exercise (e.g., sprints)
  • 10 seconds of rest
  • Repeat 8 times for a total of 4 minutes 
Find out more here

This is my first Tabata Tuesday on this blog. I hope for this series to be a weekly go-to for you fitness lovers. It's a great, quick exercise that you can easily carve into your day. If you've got four minutes, you've got time for Tabata. If you're even more rockstar, you can repeat the 4-minute circuit 5x for a 20 min HIIT workout.

Here is the Tabata circuit today - please remember to comment below if you completed it and offer any feedback {good or bad} you may have!

Equipment required for this circuit:
  • Dumbbells for Upright Rows {go light to medium as you are doing as many reps as possible for 20 seconds}
Repeat 2x to complete the circuit.
Links above go to how-to's for each exercise, however, in the future I plan to do the how-to's for you myself!

*Linking up with Olives 'n Wine

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