Wednesday, August 21, 2013

School Back in Session = Gym Back in Session

Finally! Today, I dropped off my now-2nd-grader to his class on this first day of the school year. I have really been looking forward to this day for the last month now. Ever since quitting my early AM shift at the gym, I was not so regular with my workout schedule. It was always...oh, I'll get up at 5am and go...then NOT...or, I'll go after work before picking up the boys...and that only happened sometimes. I was just not my Gym Bunny self...

Now, I have the convenience of a schedule that requires I drop off my son between 7:15-7:30 at school, so I'm able to head directly across the street from his school to my gym at 7:30 and get an hour's workout in before I need to be at work at 9am. This will happen a guaranteed five days a week, my friends. I will literally have no excuse to skip. I feel sooooo much better when I have a regular workout schedule going.

Any of you able to find a better time to workout now that school is in session? Or did it make a difference either way? Or do you even have kids? {They can make scheduling workouts quite difficult!}

Last week, you may have seen my post that contained my current measurements...I was not too satisfied with them...and I am eager to see some results. I've been doing a lot better with clean eating...and now that my workouts are getting back to 5-6 days a week, rather than a staggered 3-4...I know I will feel like my old {better} self in no time.

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